The title fever is back!

Did you all know that Detective Conan's new movie was released recently? I'm a big Conan fan, and I've heard that my favorite character, the Monster Kid, will be active in this movie, so I've been really looking forward to it even before it was released!

One of my impressions of watching the movie was that my favorite monster Kid was really cool! I'm quite satisfied with that, but the overall story was very interesting, the most complete and the action scenes were very cool!

I watched it on 4DX for the second time!

The 4DX had a very high sense of realism because the chair moved, the water blew out, and the temperature around the neck rose in the scene where the flame went up so that you could feel the feeling of the play as it was!

Lastly, if you haven't seen the latest movie yet, please watch it! Even if you don't know Conan, you can enjoy it!