Atami Trip

Nice to meet you!
I am Mei Abe, a second-year student in the Department of Physical Therapy at the Faculty of Medicine and Health!
I work in the food department of the committee.
I would like to talk about my trip to Atami and Hatsushima in Shizuoka Prefecture with my friends.

Hatsushima is said to be the closest remote island from the Tokyo metropolitan area, and it takes about 30 minutes by boat from Atami Port!
I am very sensitive to boats and was down drunk on the boat ride to the island.
While on the boat, we were able to go outside and see seagulls and flying fish!

It was my first visit to Hatsushima, and it looked like a lot of fun snorkeling near where the boat stops. It is also rich in nature and seems to have a variety of leisure facilities, so why don't you visit there as well?

For dinner on the second day, we went to a restaurant near the hotel that was famous for its seafood set meals. I had the hitsu-mabushi, which was simmered sea bream. It was delicious just as normal, but I found some dashi broth in the brown container in the upper left corner of the bowl and poured it over it to make chazuke, which was very tasty and different from the other dishes.
This time we went to Atami for a 3-day/2-night trip, but due to a typhoon, we had to do more than we had originally planned, but I am glad that we were able to refresh ourselves after a long time! I hope it will be sunny the next time I go.